Secret Saturdays Porn Story: The Mondays Return Chapter 1

Secret Saturdays Porn Story: The Mondays Return Chapter 1

“Okay, just alittle farther” Doc said as they walked down the Mississippi road and into a little town. Zak notice that everyone seemed to be staring at him and Komodo. They were headed to a church that was said to be a key to finding kur.

“It’s the evil one’s” Yelled someone in a crowd. Everyone in the whole town ran into the homes sceaming.

“Who’s the evil ones” Zak said looking at Drew and Doc. Someone ran up and gabbed Doc and Drew and the other crypdits.

“Stop what are you doing” Yelled Drew and Doc as they got out of there arms.

“There not save” said the women. “They are pure evil” She said before they ran back to there house. Doc, Drew, and fisk looked at Zak and Komodo.

“We have never been here in our live” Zak said. The saturdays went back to there airship.

“Mom, i must be a mistake” Zak said over and over. But his mom and dad didn’t buy it.

“You and Komodo are staying here till we find the keey Zak and that is finale” Drew said as they walked out.

“This is so not fair Komodo, i never was here. It could not be me” Zak said to Komodo.

Ya, Short and not so good first chapter but i have to go to my grandma’s in a sec so the next chapter will be longer.

And go to Wikipedia and you can see info on every episode and on episode 26 of season 2, Kur is awakened.

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